have a good life, i like films 80s music, meeting new people, a bit of fishing when i can , i like to try new things, love to spend time with my students and my parents, and friends, like to go out, but just as happy sitting in, and watch some comedy, like king of queens, or 2 and a half men, love to listen to the likes of, queen, great band, a bit of barbra streisand. james blunt, elvis, remember garth brooks, ha life is for living, ABOUT ME: I could tell you that im tall, handsome, intelligent, funny and a successful millionaire, that im a nice dresser, always well groomed, a good cook, good kisser, and great in bed, but you would most likely not believe me lol, so you'll just have to meet me and find out for yourself : ) MY PHILOSOPHY: Carpe Diem. Sieze the moment. Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved