Im ashamed of beautiful girls i dont like to discuss my Entire life in the subtropical world I dont have girlfriend or exgirlfriend in my LIFE I COME TO HERE to GET your INFORMATION sorry its not time for ME PLSS dont MARRY me im so youngDAmn we BROKE YOUNG DUMP Thats how ugly I am that nobody talks to me FIRST of all ILOVE painting that my hobbies ONE THING actually IM POOR NEXt to THE FIVE sorry for short CHAT I dont LIKE to0 LONG CHAT SO many people request CHAT sorry I like TO meet MORE details about Me Check my acc FBclarkjamesaleonar twitteraleonar93 ClarkjamesAleo1 DUAL twitter i come this WEb because i find good attitude PRETTY girl I dont ever seeN ILOVE my ALL nephew Brother 3 ANYSOMEBODY TO ADORE or cherish OR RICH GIRLONE THING IF i GO FAR in the marriage i respect her tREASURE her I CARE OF HER to be happy ever after THE END WE DIE together i love TWITTER i LIke HER ALL of MY LIFE I HATE Dan Bilzerian THE RICHMAN Not satisfied with a woman